This group of lessons and assignments is designed to give your child an understanding of how their camera works, the knowledge of how to use it to it’s full capabilities, and the confidence to create images that reflect them as an artist!
This course DOES require the use of a camera that can shoot in manual mode, either digital or film. Here’s how the course is set up: There are eleven lessons, covering a range of topics from camera equipment and settings (ISO, Aperture, & Shutter Speed), to lighting and basic editing. Each lesson is followed by one or more shooting assignments (30 in all), designed to help your child take the information they read and put it into practice through hands on learning.
The suggested rate for going through the course work is one assignment per week, but your student may move through the exercises faster or slower. Student are encouraged to do the work consistently, and at their own pace.
Assignments are written in a step by step format with plenty of photographic examples to help your student grasp the information in a more complete way.
Each of the photography lessons also has a corresponding quiz. These are meant to be administered by the parent and can be given orally or as a written exercise.
This course is offered in pdf format and can be purchased as a digital download. The course that is currently available is designed for middle to high school aged students. It was created with this older group in mind and is set up for the most part, as an independent study with minimal parent or teacher administration necessary.
Use the following links to view samples of the curriculum:
Shooting In Manual – Lesson Sample
Shooting In Manual – Assignment Sample
We are currently remaking this course for elementary aged students! This version will be written in a language that is easy for younger learners to understand and will also contain teaching videos for each lesson. A pdf of the lesson material as well as step by step shooting assignments will also be provided, making sure that students have all the material they need to put the information into practice behind the camera. Stay tuned for this version of the Shooting In Manual course, created specifically for younger students!
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Order now (for middle & high school aged students)